You Don’t Have to Be an Eye Doctor to Own a Pearle Vision EyeCare Center
If you are interested in becoming the licensed owner of a Pearle Vision EyeCare Center, but you are not an eye doctor, take note: Pearle Vision licensed owners come from many different walks of life, and a medical background is not necessary.
As a matter of fact, Pearle Vision licensed owners usually come from one of three distinct groups:
Investors who are interested in expanding their portfolio by adding medical franchise brands should explore the many benefits offered by Pearle Vision. Proven systems and processes and an established supply chain make Pearle Vision’s system easily scalable, and the sustainable, growing optical industry makes a Pearle Vision franchise a smart investment. We believe what matters more than a medical background is the ability to run your business; we can teach you what you need to know about the optical industry.
If you already understand the optical industry and have invested time and money into developing the skills necessary to run the retail side of a Pearle Vision EyeCare Center, becoming a licensed owner might be a logical next step for you. Pearle Vision offers turnkey, back-end systems that can help you handle the necessary insurance and billing paperwork. Pearle Vision EyeCare Centers have both eye care and a retail operation under one roof. In some states, the law allows you to hire an optometrist or ophthalmologist to see patients who visit your EyeCare Center; in other states, you would lease space to the eye doctor.1 Either version fits into the Pearle Vision model.
Optometrists or Ophthalmologists
This is the group that most people assume comprises Pearle Vision licensed owners, and many of our licensed owners are eye doctors. As the owner of a Pearle Vision franchise, your practice would operate independently of the retail side, so you would not pay royalties on revenue generated by eye exams or eye care. Although you would have greater responsibility as the business owner, you may find that you actually have more time to spend with patients, thanks to Pearle Vision’s established systems and processes. And because Pearle Vision’s efficient supply chain provides competitive pricing on some of the industry’s most desirable brands of eyewear, you will be able to offer your patients the fashionable eyewear they want.
All Pearle Vision licensed owners are independent business owners who have the backing of a strong, established and respected brand. With the extensive training offered, established systems available and a $35 million consumer marketing program, franchise owners have the tools that they need to be successful business owners.
To learn more about the Pearle Vision franchise opportunity, please submit this form.
This is not intended as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a franchise. Within the U.S.A. and Canada, we offer franchises solely by means of our Franchise Disclosure Document. Certain states in the U.S.A., provinces in Canada, and other countries have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states/provinces, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable legal requirements in your state. This information about our franchise opportunity is intended solely for residents of the United States and Canada.
1 At the time of publication, owners are allowed to employ optometrists in Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, Washington, D.C., and Wyoming. (We advise that you verify all state laws regarding the optical industry.)