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Pearle Vision Provided Support to Licensed Owners During COVID-19 – And What’s Next

There’s an adage that says franchising puts you in business for yourself but not by yourself. Pearle Vision licensed owners have benefited from having corporate support during COVID-19.

Most Pearle Vision locations have remained open throughout the pandemic, providing essential vision care to patients with an urgent vision care need, including those who broke or lost their glasses, needed more contact lenses or required a doctor’s examination. Some licensed owners personally reached out to their patients to arrange deliveries of frames or check in on a patient’s contact lens supply. They have adapted to the current environment to ensure that they continue to provide high-quality care to their patients.

Throughout this difficult period, Pearle Vision’s top priority, as always, has been the health and safety of its patients, associates and licensed owners. But the company also took immediate steps to provide direct assistance through increased communication and cash flow relief, to protect the supply chain and to examine processes to move the company forward.


Caring for the People

As a brand built on the premise to “take care of the people,” Pearle Vision is committed to the well-being of its patients, associates and licensed owners. The brand tightened already-stringent cleaning protocols and provided personal protective equipment (PPE) for employees who interact with patients.

Following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health entities, Pearle Vision implemented social distancing guidelines and advised licensed owners to limit the number of people allowed in a store.


Providing Direct Support

Pearle Vision has been committed to being a good business partner to our licensed owners throughout this time, including ramped up communication, providing resources on a near-daily basis on topics such as the CARES Act, Small Business Association loans and more to help licensed owners make informed decisions for their own businesses.

The brand also provided many of the tools used in corporate-owned locations to franchise-owned EyeCare Centers, such as special lamp shields to help protect both doctors and patients during eye exams, letter templates and cleaning procedure guides.


Facilitating Cash Flow

Pearle Vision took steps to provide cash flow relief to all locations. The brand deferred payments on royalties, product and advertising fees through the month of May to allow licensed owners to refocus critical resources in certain areas of their businesses.

Additionally, Pearle Vision expedited the launch of a new contact lens e-commerce platform to allow licensed owners to continue to sell contacts to patients who needed refills even when the patients could not visit their local EyeCare Center.


Ensuring Supply Chain

Because Pearle Vision is owned by Luxottica, licensed owners have access to some of the industry’s most popular eyewear brands. The brand’s well-established supply chain is a huge benefit to Pearle Vision licensed owners, and it was critical to protect it.

The product supply chain for Pearle Vision locations has not been impacted by the pandemic, and Pearle Vision EyeCare Centers have been able to maintain inventory to meet the needs of their patients.


Going Forward

Because the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve, Pearle Vision will re-evaluate guidelines and processes regularly. Updated safety guidelines are expected to remain in effect for the foreseeable future, and Pearle Vision will continue to communicate with licensed owners frequently to ensure they have access to the latest information and resources. The brand also will provide additional support, as needed, to licensed owners as the country continues to reopen and people figure out this new normal.

Pearle Vision understands that the success of licensed owners during this challenging time directly correlates to the success of the brand now and in the future, and Pearle Vision is committed to that success.


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